Tick Test

Out of stock

Within eight (8) hours of being bitten by a tick, remove the tick carefully with the Care Plus Tick-Out tick remover.

Tick Test
Tick Test Tick Test

This self-diagnosis tick test creates the opportunity to test if the tick bite contains the Borreliose bacteria. This bacteria causes the serious infectious Lyme disease, which is vastly becoming one of the major problems in Europe.w


  • Within eight (8) hours of being bitten by a tick, remove the tick carefully with the Care Plus Tick-Out tick remover.
  • Make a note of the date of the tick bite in your diary
  • Put the tick in a sealed tube.
  • Put a few drops on the tick.
  • Use the wooden stick to crush the tick.
  • Put 2 to 3 drops of the mixture with the pipette on the test cassette.
  • Wait max. 20 minutes.