Entry Level 100% Wool Leather Banded Beret

As low as £6.70
In stock

This Beret is 100% Wool

Leather Banded

Entry Level 100% Wool Leather Banded Beret
Entry Level 100% Wool Leather Banded Beret

Maroon, Black, Blue or Green Beret


 These Berets are reproductions of British Military Berets


The price reflects that it is not the Genuine Issue Beret, be aware that other sellers are charging over £10 for the same beret and advertising it as an official item.



Contact Left does sell high quality silk lined official berets for every Regiment in our shop



This beret is an excellent replacement keep sake for an old soldier and is perfectly acceptable for the cadets or as a fashion item.



These berets have been bought by Cadets, Ex Military, a Film Company, Re-enactors, Military Enthusiasts to name but a few



This Beret is 100% Wool



Leather Banded